Hi there,
Just got a couple of questions for DESeq2:
To build a design including paired samples (i.e. Subject) and batch variables (as estimated by SVA, i.e. SV1 and SV2), and plotting SV1 and SV2 seems to resemble batch processing on different flowcells, can the design formula be built as ~Subject + SV1 + SV2 + Condition?
Would the lfcShrink () coupled with lfcThreshold be comparable to the limma treat() by specifying the same lfcThreshold? therefore to enable a more direct comparison between RNA-seq (DGE using DESeq2) and microarray (DGE using limma) data for the same samples.
Thanks Guan
Hi Michael,
By plotting the SV1 and SV2 over the Subjects following the instructions in section 8.1 of the vignette (i.e. https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/workflows/vignettes/rnaseqGene/inst/doc/rnaseqGene.html) and comparing the plots to the "SV1 vs SV2" plot which seems to resemble the batch processing during sequencing, and yes, SV1 seems also to capture variations correlated to the Subjects that are very similar to the sequencing batches. I hope you think this assessment is sensible. I'll then just use ~subject + condition as suggested. Thanks for your help.