Hi I'm trying to align some sequences in a fasta file. The sequences are in fasta format already and the file path is correct but it kept having an error that says it cannot open file. The following are the commands from the tutorial of multiple sequence alignment in R.
> # specify the path to your sequence file:
> fas <- "C:/Users/Hui Yi/Documents/Acc5"
> dna <- readDNAStringSet(fas)
Error in .Call2("new_input_filexp", filepath, PACKAGE = "XVector") :
cannot open file 'C:/Users/Hui Yi/Documents/Acc5'
What should I do? Thanks a lot
Does teh file have an extension like 'Acc5.fa'? What does
file.exists("C:/Users/Hui Yi/Documents/Acc5")
return?Thank you Martin, I have managed to open the file by checking for the correct file name in properties. For designing primers to target the Accumulibacter out of other non target bacteria, how does the software define groups, is it able to place all accumulibacter sequences under the same identifier? or should i use the output file after phylogeny classification has been done?
Also, there is an error when trying to define groups from the sequence database created:
Sorry, your question doesn't have enough context for me to understand what you are doing. Also, it is really a new question, now that your original problem (reading the fasta file) seems to have been solved. You should ask a new question, and provide more information about what you are trying to do and the software that you are using.