Correct, the factors are only estimated by DESeq2 if bFullLibrarySize=FALSE, otherwise they are based directly on the libSizes.
And I am wondering whether I can get the libSizes factor (full library size, total number of reads in BAM/SAM/BED file, instead of the peak count) in Diffbind project.
Thanks Dr.Stark. Sorry I just have another Question, I am wondering whether I can get the sizeFactors(according to the above libSize instead of peak count) , which will be assignd to DESeq2 dds when set bFullLibrarySize = TRUE.
If bFullLibrarySize is set to TRUE (default), then sizeFactors is called with the number
of reads in the BAM/BED files for each ChIP sample, divided by the minimum of these;
The recently released version of DiffBind includes a new interface function, dba.normalize(), that allows library sizes and normalization factors (or offsets) to be set and retrieved directly.
Thanks Dr.Stark. Sorry I just have another Question, I am wondering whether I can get the sizeFactors(according to the above libSize instead of peak count) , which will be assignd to DESeq2 dds when set bFullLibrarySize = TRUE.
Or I just calculate myself like below?
According to
Vignette,Therefore, wouldn't it be,
?Thanks :) , I am sorry I did not see it.