I'd a question regarding a recent change in the Rsubread package. I routinely deal with mixed paired end and single end data.
The Rsubread function featureCounts had a isPairedEnd argument that used to accept a logical vector containing information of which files are paired end or not.
That seems to no longer work and Rsubread only takes the first logical and applies that to all files.
As a result, many of my scripts have stopped working.
Does anyone know if this is a bug or whether this is expected behaviour?
What is the version of Rsubread you are using? Please follow the posting guideline to provide all required information (eg. output of sessionInfo()) when you post a question.
Sorry about that! I've Rsubread 1.34.7 installed.
Session info:
Thanks for providing the info. Your Rsubread version is not up-to-date and you should update it to the latest version (2.2.2).
So I tried updating all packages using Bioconductor. It doesn't seem to install the latest 2.2.2 version of Rsubread. Sorry for asking this nooby question, but can you tell me how I can install 2.2.2?
So I think, I'll first need to update Fedora 31 to 32 and then update R from 3.6.3 to 4... and then update Rsubread to 2.2.2. I'm a little hesitant to do that now, as I'm in the middle of submitting some papers and don't want to break the system. Can you tell me whether isPairedEnd accepts logical vector input in Rsubread 2.2.2? If yes, then, I'll trust you and go ahead and submit without worrying. My script did work a year ago atleast. So I'm confident it works. And I've not changed that part of my script that deals with Rsubread.
You can always make virtual environments with tools like
and then install the required tools inside this new environment, leaving your base system untouched.