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Dear all,
I am reading the annotation for my dataset via Ensembl, which works well with library("AnnotationDbi") library("org.Hs.eg.db").
But now I need to know for each of my rows (genes) on which chromosome that gene is.. (in particular whether it is on the X-Chromosome or not).
Has anyone an idea how I could do that?
Thank you so much, Bine
Thank you James. Not sure what I am doing wrong but so far it is not working.
Before to get other annotations for my res- Object (Result Object created from DeSeq2 Package) I used
Which worked fine, but unfortunately this way the chromosome information is not given. I meant earlier that I use Ensembl gene IDs. So when i got the previous information (Symbol for my gene) I used the Ensembl gene ID as a key.
How can I use your code with Ensembl gene IDs. In my case they are the rownames(res)?
Hope that is understandable.
I am currently trying the other package you mentionend maybe it is better for Ensembl IDs?
Does this help?
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