Dear all
I am using the following function in ASpli package:
mm10 <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
features <- binGenome(mm10)
targetssmall <- cbind(c( "257101.bam","258113.bam","259125.bam","260137.bam"),c("la", "la", "pi", "pi"))
colnames(targetssmall)[1] <-"bam"
colnames(targetssmall)[2] <-"factor1"
plotGenomicRegions( features=features, x='13179:E001', xIsBin = TRUE, genomeTxDb=mm10, targets=targetssmall, mainFontSize = 12, annotationHeight = 0.1, useTransparency = TRUE, outfileType = 'pdf')
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : failed to build index file: Z://home/mernal
This code works well in Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS but it fails with Windows10. The error appears when generating the files in the 'tmp' dir, windows is not able to do it.
Any help is welcome!