I have run DESeq2 on my data. Single tissue with multiple dosages. I now want R to combine the results tables (dosages vs no dose) into a single table which I will import into IPA for further analysis. I have been trying several ways to make R do this for me but have not found the correct method yet.
Example table from one dosage:
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
Apoa1 7966.051594 -0.705606796 0.235025877 -3.002251515 0.002679907 0.136722046
Tf 22072.7993 -0.179756822 0.189490556 -0.94863209 0.342807764 0.794017269
Tmsb4x 157.3827118 0.067799129 0.225978449 0.300024755 0.764158273 0.951962885
Alb 25950.79641 -0.328876922 0.186021559 -1.767950574 0.077069167 0.519223404
AABR07035374.1 2497.943534 -5.31783853 0.66793913 -7.9615616 1.70E-15 1.53E-12
I have results like the above for all dosage levels in my experiment (total six dosages).
In the end I want a single table that combines the results to look like this:
Dose75.TissueLiver Dose75.TissueLiver Dose75.TissueLiver Dose75.TissueLiver Dose75.TissueLiver Dose75.TissueLiver Dose100.TissueLiver Dose100.TissueLiver Dose100.TissueLiver Dose100.TissueLiver Dose100.TissueLiver Dose100.TissueLiver
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
Apoa1 5151.782821 -2.95773217 0.79691926 -3.711457757 0.000206069 0.044300813 5151.782821 -0.119272921 0.837429931 -0.142427344 0.886742465 0.96499833
Tf 14364.18444 1.462082327 0.55760012 2.6220983 0.008739022 0.224529946 14364.18444 -0.282310471 0.523104751 -0.539682483 0.589416023 0.8511549
Tmsb4x 125.862414 -0.341481221 0.442174871 -0.772276408 0.439950736 0.791900368 125.862414 -0.577306938 0.443929995 -1.300445891 0.19344819 0.580082285
Alb 16843.23554 -0.096265021 0.840515091 -0.114530985 0.908816886 0.974329685 16843.23554 -0.828972307 0.798389329 -1.038305846 0.299127688 0.681157936
AABR07035374.1 1572.869669 -4.517914215 1.085794081 -4.160930965 3.17E-05 0.013449407 1572.869669 2.624268633 1.203498005 2.180534262 0.029217882 0.282455014
I have been working with this code but it isn't giving the output I desire.
comparisons <- resultsNames(dds2)
for (comp in comparisons){
res <- results(dds2, name = comp)
datalist <- res
alltables <- do.call(cbind, datalist)
Which produces a table that looks like this:
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
[1,] 7966.0516 -0.07502324 0.2350207 -0.3192197 0.74955990 0.8980526
[2,] 22072.7993 0.15710019 0.1894960 0.8290420 0.40708062 0.7006270
[3,] 157.3827 -0.41405487 0.2297919 -1.8018690 0.07156602 0.3004964
[4,] 25950.7964 -0.24037295 0.1860329 -1.2920993 0.19632274 0.4992489
[5,] 2497.9435 0.17106298 0.6656823 0.2569739 0.79719892 0.9194901
[6,] 12854.2955 0.40788557 0.2155525 1.8922794 0.05845376 0.2700465
Is it possible to basically append all comparisons by column to a single table? I also recognize that I will need to figure out how to add the header to my output as well.
For starters, avoid cbind. Someday, you'll try to merge datasets that don't naturally line up perfectly, and you will get a mess. Result tables have gene names as rownames. Merge on rownames (the one thing about merging is that it turns your rownames into an ordinary column called row.names, so you might have to clean that up)
@swbarnes Thank you for the explanation of the difference in combining using cbind and merge. This is important to know.