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Last seen 4.3 years ago
Whenever I try yo launch the Shiny app in R, after having succesfully generated a SangerAlignment file, with the code
an error message appears:
"An error has occurred! Couldn't normalize path in 'addResourcePath', with arguments: 'prefix' = 'AdminLTE-2.0.6'; 'directoryPath' = 'C:/Users/biocbuild/bbs-3.12-bioc/R/library/shinydashboard/AdminLTE'
What does it mean? There is no such directory in the computer. The package is installed in another directory. Could this be related? I'm new to Shiny. How could I launch the app?
Hi @dh.heredero,
I am the maintainer of sangeranalyseR. I realized that you posted on stackoverflow too, and we can work on your problem here.
package is used to create dashboards of Shiny applications embedded in sangeranalyseR. It seems like a version conflict issue to me now. Could you please provide your R session informationsessionInfo()
and a simple reproducible example here so that I can do some testing? Thanks a lot!Howard
I have opened an issue about this on GitHub as well: https://github.com/roblanf/sangeranalyseR/issues/60.
I have the same issue. here's my Rsession:
R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18362)
Matrix products: default
locale: [1] LCCOLLATE=EnglishUnited States.1252 [2] LCCTYPE=EnglishUnited States.1252
[3] LCMONETARY=EnglishUnited States.1252 [4] LCNUMERIC=C
[5] LCTIME=English_United States.1252
attached base packages: [1] tools stats4 parallel stats graphics grDevices [7] utils datasets methods base
other attached packages: [1] sangeranalyseR0.99.28 logger0.1
[3] BiocStyle2.17.1 seqinr4.2-4
[5] kableExtra1.2.1 rmarkdown2.4
[7] openxlsx4.2.2 shinyWidgets0.5.4
[9] ggdendro0.1.22 shinycssloaders1.0.0 [11] excelR0.4.0 zeallot0.1.0
[13] DT0.16 plotly4.9.2.1
[15] ggplot23.3.2 data.table1.13.0
[17] shinyjs2.0.0 shinydashboard0.7.1
[19] shiny1.5.0 gridExtra2.3
[21] phangorn2.5.5 reshape21.4.4
[23] DECIPHER2.17.1 RSQLite2.2.1
[25] ape5.4-1 stringr1.4.0
[27] sangerseqR1.25.0 Biostrings2.57.2
[29] XVector0.29.3 IRanges2.23.10
[31] S4Vectors0.27.14 BiocGenerics0.35.4
loaded via a namespace (and not attached): [1] nlme3.1-149 bit644.0.5 webshot0.5.2
[4] httr1.4.2 R62.4.1 DBI1.1.0
[7] lazyeval0.2.2 colorspace1.4-1 ade41.7-15
[10] withr2.3.0 tidyselect1.1.0 bit4.0.4
[13] compiler4.0.3 rvest0.3.6 xml21.3.2
[16] scales1.1.1 quadprog1.5-8 digest0.6.25
[19] pkgconfig2.0.3 htmltools0.5.0 fastmap1.0.1
[22] htmlwidgets1.5.2 rlang0.4.8 rstudioapi0.11
[25] generics0.0.2 jsonlite1.7.1 dplyr1.0.2
[28] zip2.1.1 magrittr1.5 Matrix1.2-18
[31] Rcpp1.0.5 munsell0.5.0 lifecycle0.2.0
[34] yaml2.2.1 stringi1.5.3 MASS7.3-53
[37] zlibbioc1.35.0 plyr1.8.6 grid4.0.3
[40] blob1.2.1 promises1.1.1 crayon1.3.4
[43] lattice0.20-41 knitr1.30 pillar1.4.6
[46] igraph1.2.6 fastmatch1.1-0 glue1.4.2
[49] evaluate0.14 BiocManager1.30.10 vctrs0.3.4
[52] httpuv1.5.4 gtable0.3.0 purrr0.3.4
[55] tidyr1.1.2 xfun0.18 mime0.9
[58] xtable1.8-4 later1.1.0.1 viridisLite0.3.0
[61] tibble3.0.4 memoise1.1.0 ellipsis_0.3.1
Hi everyone, Are there any variants to solve this mistake?