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Kimpel, Mark W
Last seen 10.6 years ago
My group is writing a grant with a proposed dose response experiment
on two different rat strains that I have been tasked to provide an
analysis method for. Briefly, we have two rat strains that have
different preferences for alcohol (one drinks, the other doesn't). We
are going to give each line injections for alcohol to see if gene
expression in the brain is differentially affected between the 3
strains. We don't, however, know which of several possible doses of
alcohol will provide the greatest effect on each of the thousands of
genes on our Affy chipset. So, we are proposing to give each line one
of 4 doses (zero, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/kg). For any gene, we have no
way of knowing a priori what shape the dose response curve will take.
We are, for screening purposes, not really interested in the shape of
the curve, only that it is not a line with a slope of zero (i.e. no
response). We are also, for screening purposed, only interested to
know, for each gene, if the response of strain A is different from
strain B. In other words, what we want to know is the interaction
between strain and dose response.
I have searched the literature and the Bioconductor mailing list and
cannot find a reference to an experiment of this sort. Can anyone
provide some advice?
Mark W. Kimpel MD
Official Business Address:
Department of Psychiatry
Indiana University School of Medicine
PR M116
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