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Yolande Tra
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi everyone,
Please, I need some help for the following.
I have 11 output files where some of the intensities are 0 (foreground
and background). I tried to adjust by writing
for (j in 1:k) {
+ for (i in 1: n) {
+ if (RG$R[i,j]<=0) RG$R[i,j]<-150
+ if (RG$G[i,j] <=0) RG$G[i,j]<-200} }
(150 and 200) are arbitrary values.
Some of the background intensity values are larger than the foreground
intensity so to have positive corrected intensity, I used
RG <- backgroundCorrect(RG, method="normexp", offset=100)
Corrected array 1
Corrected array 2
Corrected array 3
Corrected array 4
Corrected array 5
Corrected array 6
Corrected array 7
Corrected array 8
Corrected array 9
Corrected array 10
Corrected array 11
Warning message:
NaNs produced in: log(x)
It seems that it stills gets zero value. Why would log(x) appears at
this stage?
I then normalize to see the print-tip loess plot.
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG,
RG$printer,method="printtiploess",weights=RG$weights, span= 0.5,
Attached is the plot. The normalization was not successful.
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