I now have the X11() graphics command working.
After the comparisonPlot function I am now getting:
Error in grid.Call.graphics("L_text", x$label, x$x, x$y,
resolveHJust(x$just, :
X11 font at size 16 could not be loaded
This must be some technical X11 problem.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wolfgang Huber" <huber@ebi.ac.uk>
To: "Lana Schaffer" <schaffer at="" scripps.edu="">
Cc: <bioconductor at="" stat.math.ethz.ch="">
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: tiling array normalization
> Dear Lana,
>> I have implemented your normalization code from your vignette with
>> of our data. I would like to demonstrate your normalization
results by
>> looking at genes RPN2 and SER33. After calling your
>> function comparisonPlot, I am not seeing the "ps" file.
> Where did you get the idea that you should see a "ps" file? Neither
> man page of the function nor any other place I am aware of suggest
that it
> should produce one. It will create a plot on the current graphics
> using grid graphics. Note that for any R graphics going e.g. to a
> postscript device, you will need to call "dev.off()" before using
> postscript file.
> > Would you be able to help figure out why I can't
>> get the postscript file?
> Please send a code example that I (and others) can run. Otherwise I
> not be able to help. The first line in your code example produces:
> > VY=readCel2eSet(fns,path=celpath)
> Error in unique(c("AsIs", oldClass(x))) : object "fns" not found
>> (I am not familiar with the function of "[" for lapply.)
> lapply(dat,"[",sel) takes list dat and produces a new list where
> element has been subset using indices "sel". This functionality of R
> quite unrelated to writing postscript files.
> Best wishes
> Wolfgang
>> R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03) i686-redhat-linux-gnu locale:
>> attached base packages:
>> [1] "splines" "grid" "tools" "methods" "stats"
>> "graphics" [7] "grDevices" "utils" "datasets" "base" other
>> attached packages:
>> davidTiling GO tilingArray pixmap geneplotter
>> annotate "1.2.1" "1.10.0" "1.12.0" "0.4-5"
>> "1.12.1" genefilter survival vsn strucchange
>> zoo "1.12.0" "2.29" "1.12.0" "1.3-1" "2.0-1"
>> "1.2-2" RColorBrewer affy affyio Biobase "0.2-3"
>> "1.12.2" "1.2.0" "1.12.2"
>> library(davidTiling)
>> data("probeAnno")
>> whPM = PMindex(probeAnno)
>> whBG = BGindex(probeAnno)
>> length(whPM)
>> length(whBG)
>> all(whBG %in% whPM)
>> VY$nucleicAcid <- c("DNA","total RNA","total RNA","total
>> RNA")
>> isDNA = VY$nucleicAcid %in% "DNA"
>> isRNA = VY$nucleicAcid %in% "total RNA"
>> pfn = sprintf("assessNorm-normalize%d.pdf", seq(along =
>> xn2 = normalizeByReference(VY[,isRNA], VY[,isDNA], pm=whPM,
>> background=whBG, plotFileNames=pfn)
>> # found the plotFiles in the directory
>> xn1 =
>> normalizeByReference(VY[,isRNA],VY[,isDNA],pm=whPM,background=whBG,
>> sta = probeAnno$"9.-.start"
>> end = probeAnno$"9.-.end"
>> ind=probeAnno$"9.-.index"
>> dat = vector(mode = "list", length = 5)
>> dat[[1]] = log2(exprs(VY)[ind, which(isDNA)[1]])
>> dat[[2]] = log2(exprs(VY)[ind, which(isRNA)[1]])
>> dat[[3]] = dat[[2]] - dat[[1]]
>> dat[[4]] = exprs(xn1)[ind, 1]
>> dat[[5]] = exprs(xn2)[ind, 1]
>> dat[[6]] = exprs(xn2)[ind, 1]
>> for (j in 3:length(dat)) dat[[j]] = dat[[j]] -
>> na.rm = TRUE)
>> names(dat) = letters[seq(along=dat)]
>> sel = (sta >= 216600 & end <= 227000)
>> ysc = sapply(dat, function(py) quantile(py, probs =
>> ysc[,3:6] = c(-3,8)
>> anno = data.frame(start=c(217860, 221078),end
>> =c(220297,222487),name=I(c("RPN2","SER33")))
>> ticks = c(217,223,224,225,226)
>> comparisonPlot((sta+end)[sel]/2,lapply(dat,"[",sel),yscale=ysc,anno
>> Lana Schaffer
>> Biostatistics/Informatics
>> The Scripps Research Institute
>> DNA Array Core Facility
>> La Jolla, CA 92037
>> (858) 784-2263
>> (858) 784-2994
>> schaffer at scripps.edu
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Wolfgang Huber EBI/EMBL Cambridge UK