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Seth Falcon
Last seen 10.6 years ago
[please don't reply to another message and change the subject, better
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Keith Satterley <keith at="" wehi.edu.au=""> writes:
> I've been creating a script to install all packages that I want on
computers in
> our Institute and I've been checking what is installed by biocLite.
> The web page:
> http://www.bioconductor.org/docs/install-howto.html
> is incorrect. The error is that the page states that biocLite
actually installs
> 20 packages, including reposTools. However, reposTools is not
installed, but
> affyQCreport is installed.
> Could the install-howto be corrected?
yes, we will fix it. Thanks for pointing out that it is out of date.
> I guess to be technically correct, it could be pointed out on the
web page that
> installing the packages using biocLite also causes dependent
> widgetTools, affyio, GO, KEGG, tkWidgets, simpleaffy and
RcolorBrewer to be
> installed as well. At least, this happens on my Windows XP
> installation of R2.5.0.
These dependencies can change. Perhaps we will find a programatic way
to have biocLite or similar list what it will try to install and
remove the description from the web page...
+ seth
Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research