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Jose --
An error like this appeared in another recent email, I think because
of a version mismatch between R and Bioconductor packages. I suggest
1) update packages following the directions at
2) report back to the list. If you do not have success, then please
add the output of sessionInfo()
Gordon Smyth <smyth at="" wehi.edu.au=""> writes:
> Dear Jose,
> The error message you give does not originate from any limma
> function. In fact, I've never seen it before at all.
> The problem isn't likely to be with quality of your data in the
> ordinary sense. It's more likely that the data are not want you
> in some way.
> To start finding the problem you might:
> 1. Use trace() to find in which function the error is occuring
> 2. Check you data, e.g.
> summary(subGeneIDMatrix[,c(2:3,16:17)])
> If you write again, please give sessionInfo() etc.
> Best wishes
> Gordon
>>Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 14:32:40 -0700
>>From: Jose Rodriguez <jarod07 at="" ucla.edu="">
>>Subject: [BioC] lmFit Error: "comparison of these types is not
>> implemented"
>>To: bioconductor at stat.math.ethz.ch
>>I get the following error after executing the following command
>>limma package for microarray analysis):
>> > fit3< lmFit(subGeneIDMatrix[,c(2:3,16:17)],design)
>>Error in fit3 < lmFit(subGeneIDMatrix[, c(2:3, 16:17)], design) :
>> comparison of these types is not implemented
>>The columns of the matrix I refer to are log transformed expression
>>sets. The design matrix is simple:
>> > design
>> A B
>>1 1 0
>>2 1 0
>>3 0 1
>>4 0 1
>>[1] 1 1
>>attr(,"contrasts")$`factor(c(1, 1, 2, 2))`
>>[1] "contr.treatment"
>>These two sets of data I am trying to compare are part of a larger
>>experiment in which the error does not show up. Could the error be a
>>or does it have something to do with the quality of this particular
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