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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 24 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Dear Roumyana,
this is because I rationalized the function structure, as follows:
1.) The generic function "vsn2" has methods for data objects of class
AffyBatch, ExpressionSet, NChannelSet, RGList and matrix. It returns a
fit object of class "vsn" with model fit parameters etc. The generic
function "predict" applies a fitted model to a data object (of any of
the above classes) and, in the case of AffyBatch and in most other
cases, returns a data object of the same class and shape.
2.) So "justvsn" is now literally just as follows:
justvsn = function(x, ...) {
fit = vsn2(x, ...)
predict(fit, newdata=x, useDataInFit=TRUE)
3.) If you also want to do the probe-set summarization by RMA (an
Affymetrix-specific feature that has nothing directly to do with vsn),
you can call
which is a wrapper around "justvsn" and then "rma" from the affy
where the latter is called with options normalize=FALSE,
Bottomline: please have a look at the vsnrma function.
Also, for all those of you who have endured the vsn version 1 -->
version 2 transition, to all intents and purposes the reengineering of
vsn is now done and I intend to make no further changes to the user
Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber EBI/EMBL Cambridge UK http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
Roumyana Yordanova wrote:
> Dear Wolfgang,
> It seems that justvsn in the last version
> (http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/vsn.html) does
> output the row.names (the corresponding probe sets names). Can this
> something related to changes in the AffyBatch object?
> Roumyana
> Roumyana Yordanova wrote:
>> Dear Wolfgang,
>> Thanks for your help. For anyone that applies vsn2 to AffyBatch
>> objects with a reference set please use the last version of vsn
>> http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/vsn.html
>> Roumyana
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Subject:
>> Re: vsn with a reference set
>> From:
>> Wolfgang Huber <huber at="" ebi.ac.uk="">
>> Date:
>> Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:05:40 +0000
>> To:
>> Roumyana Yordanova <roumyana.yordanova at="" bms.com="">
>> To:
>> Roumyana Yordanova <roumyana.yordanova at="" bms.com="">
>> 28/03/2008 04:55 Roumyana Yordanova a ?crit
>>> Dear Wolfgang,
>>> Thanks a lot. I got the current version and it works.
>>> Roumyana
>> Dear Roumyana
>> thank you! Could you post this reply to the mailing list, so that
>> everybody knows that they should upgrade their vsn if they want to
>> with reference normalisation and AffyBatch objects?