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Hi all,
I'm trying to get my feet wet analyzing data from the affymetrix
drosophila v1 tiling array[1].
I've been poking around in the vignettes for the `oligo` package, and
the `tilingArray` package, but I'm having a few problems.
The first thing I'd like to do is to be able to map my probes back to
their appropriate genomic position. I gather that this information is
buried in the *.bpmap file that is in the library file for my tiling
array[2]. Unfortunately for me, this is in some binary format. If I've
understood some of the things I've tripped over while browsing the
archives for this mailing list, I need to construct a CDF file for the
array, is this correct?
I've found some previous emails on this list about constructing a CDF
from the appropriate library files, and all roads seem to point to a
post by Naira[3].
Trying to follow these instructions, I downloaded the library files
for my tiling array[2] and ran the `makePDpackage` while pointing to
what I assume are the correct *.bpmap and *.cif files that I found
buried in the d/l'ed libraries. This step seems to work and created a
working set of files in a `pd.dm35b.mf.v02.3.bdgpv4h` directory.
I then tried to run the R CMD's to build the cdf using the appropriate
name generated from the `makePDpackage` library, but this gives me a
*.tar.gz file that I don't really know what to do with. I've tried
unzipping this file and telling R to load it as a library file with
`library(pd.dm35b.mf.v02.3.bdgpv4h)` but it seems I may need to
install it some other way because R can't find "that package." This
makes sense, but I don't really know what to do to install this CDF,
or if this is the CDF file that I'm after at all.
Trying a different approach, I've been able to load the bpmap file
through the affyio package like so:
> bpmap <- .Call('ReadBPMAPFileIntoRList',
But I'm trying to poke around the bpmap data struct I get in return,
and I'm not really finding what I'm after.
If anybody has experience working w/ such tiling arrays, could you
please point me in the right direction? There are several rabbit holes
that I find myself going down, a hint at which one to best commit to
would be great. More info about mapping probes to genomic positions
would be great as well.
Thanks for your time,
[1] http://www.affymetrix.com/products/arrays/specific/drosophila_tili
[2] http://www.affymetrix.com/products/arrays/specific/drosophila_tili
(there is a "Library Files" link on the right)
[3] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.science.biology.informatics.conduct