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Benjamin Lansdell
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear list,
I have been working with a custom drosophila tiling array for which I
have a .bpmap file and some .cel files. I have created a package
using the makePlatformDesign package via:
> makePDpackage("./antisense_untrimmed.bpmap", manufacturer =
"affymetrix", type = "tiling", extra = list(packagename =
"pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf", package.path = ".", maintainer = "Ben
Lansdell<lansdel at="" wehi.edu.au="">", author = "Ben Lansdell", version =
"0.5-1", unlink = TRUE, verbose = TRUE))
which seems to work and install fine. Is this package then able to
read in .cel files via ReadAffy() so I can try GCRMA background
correct on the resulting AffyBatch or am I limited to using
read.celfiles() in oligo to create a TilingFeatureSet object which
doesn't have such functions.
Trying ReadAffy I get:
> celfiles = ReadAffy(filenames = list.celfiles()[1:3], cdfname =
> celfiles
AffyBatch object
size of arrays=2560x2560 features (13 kb)
cdf=pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf (??? affyids)
number of samples=3
Error in getCdfInfo(object) :
Could not obtain CDF environment, problems encountered:
Specified environment does not contain pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf
<s4 object="" of="" class="" "platformdesign"="">
Data for package affy did not contain pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf
Bioconductor - pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf not available
In addition: Warning message:
missing cdf environment! in show(AffyBatch)
> traceback()
7: stop(paste("Could not obtain CDF environment, problems
paste(unlist(badOut), collapse = "\n"), sep = "\n"))
6: getCdfInfo(object)
5: featureNames(object)
4: featureNames(object)
3: cat("number of genes=", length(featureNames(object)), "\n", sep =
2: function (object)
standardGeneric("show")(<s4 object="" of="" class="" "affybatch"="">)
1: function (object)
standardGeneric("show")(<s4 object="" of="" class="" "affybatch"="">)
Looking inside getCdfInfo() the problem seems to be when it calls
cdfFromLibPath() so:
> cdfFromLibPath("pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf")
[1] "Checking to see if package pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf is already
[1] "The package pd.antisense.untrimmedcdf is already loaded"
Class........: platformDesign
Manufacturer.: Affymetrix
Genome Build.: hg12
Error in geometry(object) :
no slot of name "geometry" for this object of class
which is as far I've gotten.
Is there a way around this or is what I'm trying not possible?