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Glyn Bradley
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi all
3 bio replicate and dye swap cDNA array experiment comparing 17day and
27day samples being analyzed with limma
targets file:
"Name" "FileNameCy3" "FileNameCy5" "Cy3" "Cy5"
"1-Cy3-Ac-17d.txt" "1-Cy5-Ac-27d.txt" "17day"
"2-Cy3-Ac-27d.txt" "2-Cy5-Ac-17d.txt" "27day"
"3-Cy3-Ac-17d.txt" "3-Cy5-Ac-27d.txt" "17day"
"4-Cy3-Ac27d.txt" "4-Cy5-Ac17d.txt" "27day"
"5-Cy3-Ac17d.txt" "5-Cy5-Ac27d.txt" "17day"
"6-Cy3-Ac27d.txt" "6-Cy5-Ac17d.txt" "27day"
so after
RG <- read.maimages(files, source="imagene")
MA <- normalizeWithinArrays(RG)
fit <- lmFit(MA, design)
what direct are the fold changes I get out in
does a positive FC mean up regulated in the 27day sample?
(ps I would've found it useful if 'coefficients' were labelled logFC
all the way through. But that might be due to my lack of stats