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Last seen 10.6 years ago
I'm a computational biologist at Genome Sciences Centre, Vancouver,
BC, Canada. I'm working on Affymetrix custom bacterial ship,
Prokaryotic_Rhodobacter capsulatus GEP.
I've encountered some problems with the CDF file. I've copied the
rcapex1a520469fcdf directory to /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/
Versions/2.7/Resources/library. However, I got an error as follows:
> require(rcapex1a520469fcdf)
Loading required package: rcapex1a520469fcdf
Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE,
logical.return = TRUE, :
'rcapex1a520469fcdf' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
> raw.data <- ReadAffy()
> eset <<- rma(raw.data)
Error in library("rcapex1a520469fcdf", lib.loc = NULL, character.only
= TRUE) :
'rcapex1a520469fcdf' is not a valid package -- installed < 2.0.0?
plier Implements the Affymetrix PLIER algorithm
preprocessCore A collection of pre-processing functions
rcapex1a520469fcdf ** No title available (pre-2.0.0 install?) **
rpart Recursive Partitioning
Was the CDF not installed properly? I was given the cdf file, not the
tar.gz file; otherwise, I'd have used R CMD INSTALL.
Your feedback is very much appreciated.
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