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Becky Saunders
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi There,
I have an error on Biomart where I can not use the
If I use the following gene id data and the following commands I get
> genes
1 XM_001000131
2 XM_001001115
3 XM_001001128
4 XM_001001137
5 XM_001002091
6 XM_001005165
7 XM_001005681
8 XM_001005979
9 XM_001006801
10 XM_001123368
11 XM_001123369
12 XM_001123374
13 XM_001123393
14 XM_001123395
15 XM_001123428
16 XM_001123478
17 XM_001124305
18 XM_001124623
19 XM_001124624
20 XM_001124630
21 XM_001124642
22 XM_001124651
> mart = useMart("ensembl")
> ensembl<-useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", mart=mart)
Checking attributes and filters ... ok
> myGetBM <- getBM(attributes=c("refseq_DNA_predicted",
"ensembl_gene_id"), values=genes, mart=ensembl)
1 Query ERROR: caught BioMart::Exception::Usage: Attribute
refseq_DNA_predicted NOT FOUND
Error in getBM(attributes = c("refseq_DNA_predicted",
"ensembl_gene_id"), :
Number of columns in the query result doesn't equal number of
attributes in query. This is probably an internal error, please
Can anyone help? Basically I am just trying to map ensembl ids to both
XM_ and NM_ RefSeq IDs.
Many Thanks,
Dr Rebecca Saunders
High Throughput Screening Laboratory - Cancer Research UK
Tel No. +44 (0)207 269 3159
Fax No +44 (0) 207 269 3581
<http: www.cancerresearchuk.org=""/>
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