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Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear All,
I notice the same problem of time-consuming.
Hopping the problem will be resolved soon.
Best regards,
Jean-Pierre Desvignes a ?crit :
> Hello,
> I have the same problem as Scott. When I compared 2 lists of go term
> values for the first list and 4000 for the second list) with the
version 1.10 of
> gotools, the time to make the process was ~10min. Now I must wait
several hours
> to compare the same list. I often stop the process before the end.
> I try to modify the format of the list that I set in entry, but the
result is
> the same. I also make the same analysis that was given in example
in the
> documentation and the time of the process is ~ 1h30 instead of 5min.
> While waiting for a solution.
> Thanks
> Jean-Pierre
> PS: Sorry for my english.
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* Oana VIGY*
Institut de G?nomique Fonctionnelle
UMR 5203 - U661 - CNRS INSERM UM1 UM2
141 rue de la Cardonille
34 094 MONTPELLIER Cedex 5
Tel: +33 (0)4 67 14 29 40
oana.vigy at igf.cnrs.fr <mailto:oana.vigy at="" igf.cnrs.fr="">
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