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Dear affyPara package maintainers and BioC developer community,
The parallelizations of Affy preprocessing in the affyPara package
essential tools to handle large array collections.
Before starting to hack on this myself, I would like to ask if there
workarounds in affyPara to obtain a preprocessed & normalized (but not
summarized) PM intensity matrix from CEL files? Alternatively, having
access to virtual affybatch (i.e. keeping it in the nodes without
would solve the problem. Is such functionality available?
I would need the probe-level values (for PM probes) after
preprocessing and
normalization (but without probeset summarization step) - in an ideal
a probes x arrays matrix, and not necessarily other information from
affybatch object. It seems that both background correction and
can be done in affyPara by reading in the CEL files directly. However,
output of these methods in itself an affybatch which will cause the
problems the package is trying to solve.
Thanks once more for relevant work.
with kind regards
Leo Lahti
Department of Information and Computer Science
Aalto University School of Science and Technology
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