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Ernest Turro
Last seen 10.3 years ago
On 10 Jun 2010, at 17:54, Ina Hoeschele wrote:
> Hi, I have been analyzing an affy microarray dataset with 2
treatments and 1 control, which do not have replication (so total of 3
chips), with several methods that do not require replication,
including bgx. BGX seems to give the poorest results which I did not
expect, so I am wondering whether I am doing something wrong. I ran
BGX as follows:
>> library(bgx)
>> Data <- ReadAffy()
>> bgx(Data,burnin=9216,iter=20480,output="minimal")
>> bgxOutput <- readOutput.bgx("run.1")
>> rankedGeneList1 <-
rankByDE(bgxOutput,conditions=c(1,2),absolute=TRUE) #comparing
control to treatment 1
>> rankedGeneList2 <-
rankByDE(bgxOutput,conditions=c(1,3),absolute=TRUE) #comparing
control to treatment 2
>> plotDEHistogram(bgxOutput, conditions=c(1,2),normalize="none") #I
am doing this to get the number of differentially expressed probesets
> Number of differentially expressed genes (left): 1
> Number of differentially expressed genes (right): 590
> Total number of differentially expressed genes: 591
>> plotDEHistogram(bgxOutput, conditions=c(1,3),normalize="none")
> Number of differentially expressed genes (left): 31
> Number of differentially expressed genes (right): 106
> Total number of differentially expressed genes: 137
> This then gives me the lists of differentially expressed genes:
>> list1 <- rankedGeneList1[1:591,]
>> list2 <- rankedGeneList2[1:137,]
Could you try using normalize="loess" ? The histogram should be
centred on 0.5 and have peaks near 0 and 1. The spline fit should be
smooth. What do your plotDEHistogram() plots look like?
> Thanks for any comments ...
> Ina