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하오잠 로
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Mr.Herv? Pag?s
Program in Computational Biology
Division of Public Health Sciences
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N, M2-B876
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109-1024
Dear Sir,
I would like to find the SNPs density located in human gene transcript
regions i.e. 5'UTR, 3'UTR, CDS or coding exon from the total SNP count
(30443455) located at dbSNP Build 132. For this I have already
downloaded the 3'UTR, 5'UTR and CDS from the UCSC table genome
browser. Could I do it with SNPBLAST or ENTREZ SNP Database but
SNPBLAST is not supporting what I want. Could you please tell me how
would I proceed to obtain my goal. I would be glad for your kindness
and assistance.
Warm regards,
Haojam Rocky
Ph.D. scholar
Seoul National University College of Medicine
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