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2011/2/23 Beno?t Ballester <benoit at="" ebi.ac.uk="">:
> Hi James,
> James W. MacDonald wrote:
>> Then zoom in on the resulting pdf. There will be some small white
>> but IMO they are very unobtrusive.
> Indeed this is exactly what I see, and I do find it annoying. Have a
look at
> the links below. You'll notice the difference between PDF (with
white lines)
> and PNG (I believe without)
> http://tinyurl.com/6yqcswr
> http://tinyurl.com/67wkbl3
>> Your other choice is to use levelplot() from lattice, but you will
>> get white lines:
>> library(lattice)
>> pdf("tmp2.pdf", width=5, height=50)
>> levelplot(matrix(rnorm(10000), nrow=10), col=redgreen(100),
>> colorkey=FALSE)
>> dev.off()
> This seems to work slightly better.
> I'll give it a try...
One additional (belated) comment: WIth levelplot(), you could also try
the "raster" version (which should work on most devices):
levelplot(matrix(rnorm(10000), nrow=10), colorkey=FALSE, aspect =
"fill", panel = panel.levelplot.raster)