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Last seen 10.2 years ago
Hello; I apologize if this is an obvious question or more suited for
the general R list, but I have not been able to find a good solution
with the Google: it is possible to use lapply or relatives to speed up
overlapping of multiple GRanges objects? Specifically, I'm getting
methylation values from bisulfite sequencing CpGs over specific
windows in the genome and I need to calculate means across the
windows, so for right now what I have been doing is basically:
for(i <= length(methyl))
methlymean <- mean(subsetByOverlaps(methyl, windows[i]);
but this is fairly slow. I tried something like:
m <- lapply(windows, methylmeans(methyl, windows)
and defining:
methylmeans <- function(methyl, windows)
but this doesn't work. Mapply doesn't work since the window and methyl
sizes aren't the same. Any thoughts? Is there anything inbuilt into
GRanges for this kind of case?
Hollis Wright, PhD
Knight Cancer Center
Oregon Health and Science University