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Gregory D.Rodd
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Kasper Daniel Hansen <kasperdanielhansen at="" ...=""> writes:
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Kasper Daniel Hansen
> <kasperdanielhansen at="" ...=""> wrote:
> > Now, I have been playing with the idea to experiment with bundling
> > source code of Graphviz with Rgraphviz. ?If one could get it to
> > (which is a big if, since GRaphviz is really meant to be build by
> > Visual Studio), it would simplify the installation process greatly
> > (and it would also solve the 64bit R on WIndows problem that may
> > getting hard to ignore). ?However, it is pretty non-trivial and
> > probably require as much as week or more of fulltime work for me
> > (partly because of needing to use Windows) , something that I find
> > hard to justify (especially since I am not really using Rgraphviz
> > certainly not Windows, myself).
> Hmm, I did look again at graphviz.org and they now provide mingw
> building instructions, indicating that they support mingw building
> (unlike in the past). This suddenly makes this idea much more
> Kasper
> > Of course, volunteers are always welcome.
I will be glad to look into how I can help, but, is there anyone who
has been
able to get the combination of Rraphviz and the other pieces to work
windows? And, what version of Visual Studio would be appropriate? I
am really
needing back compatibility for 32 bit R 2.11, so if there is an
combination that would work, great. Also, in a 2008 post Jenny
Drnevich posted
help which suggested installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1
Redistributable. I suppose that is intended to help Graphviz
function. Clues
would be appreciated.