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Richard Hayes
Last seen 10.5 years ago
On Fri, Sep 30, 2011 at 2:51 PM, Steffen Durinck <sdurinck@gmail.com>
> Hi RIchard, Arek,
> If you set verbose=TRUE in your getBM query you'll see the XML query
> is send to the BioMart server (see below for your example).
> The order of the attributes in the XML query is usually the same
order we
> get the results back from the BioMart server.
> However for your example this is not the case and there is no way
> biomaRt to know this (Arek correct me if this is not the case), so
when we
> add column names to the returned matrix they will be wrong when the
> order is not preserved in the returned result.
> > multiTest = getBM(attributes= c("organism_name",
> "exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end"), filters="orgid",
> mart=phyto,verbose=TRUE)
> <query> virtualSchemaName = 'default' uniqueRows = '1' count = '0'
> datasetConfigVersion = '0.6' requestid= "biomaRt"> <dataset name=""> 'phytozome'><attribute name="organism_name"/><attribute name=""> 'transcript_name'/><attribute name="exon_chrom_start"/><attribute name=""> 'exon_chrom_end'/><filter name="orgid" value="167"/></dataset></query>
Okay, I see that on my end as well. Is this a consequence of biomart
v0.6 on
the backend that would be alleviated by our plans to upgrade to 0.7
> Cheers,
> Steffen
> On Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Arek Kasprzyk
>> Hi Richard,
>> the best person to help you is Steffen Durinck, the original
biomaRt coder
>> (cc'ed on this email)
>> a
>> On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Richard Hayes <rdhayes@lbl.gov>
>>> Hi,
>>> Our group maintains the biomart instance at the Phytozome plant
>>> portal. We've had some users report problems with the result sets
from the
>>> biomaRt interface. It is unclear if this is a biomaRt problem or a
>>> in our mart configuration. At the moment, we are still running
>>> version 0.6, but are hoping to upgrade in the very near future to
>>> I had been testing with R 2.12.2 and biomaRt 2.6.0, but then
upgraded to
>>> R 2.13.1 and biomaRt 2.8.1. The problems persist with these latest
>>> releases.
>>> I can successfully connect to our mart and the main genome
>>> dataset as follows, successfully retrieving a single column of
>>> names for Arabidopsis thaliana using our internal "orgid" filter
>>> organism ID 167:
>>> > library('biomaRt')
>>> > phyto=useMart('phytozome_mart', dataset='phytozome')
>>> > transcripts = getBM(attributes = c("transcript_name"), filters=
>>> "orgid", values="167", mart=phyto)
>>> > transcripts[1:5,]
>>> [1] "AT2G38230.1" "AT2G39920.2" "AT2G26530.1" "AT2G28630.1"
>>> However, when I construct a multicolumn query, the columns are not
>>> returned in the expected order:
>>> > multiTest = getBM(attributes= c("organism_name",
>>> "exon_chrom_start", "exon_chrom_end"), filters="orgid",
>>> mart=phyto)
>>> > multiTest[1:5,]
>>> organism_name transcript_name exon_chrom_start exon_chrom_end
>>> 1 AT5G47220.1 19171862 19172823 Athaliana
>>> 2 AT1G71920.3 27067059 27067098 Athaliana
>>> 3 AT1G71920.3 27067189 27067401 Athaliana
>>> 4 AT1G71920.3 27067506 27067589 Athaliana
>>> 5 AT1G71920.3 27067706 27067860 Athaliana
>>> Any help diagnosing the source of this problem is much
>>> Best regards,
>>> --
>>> Richard D. Hayes, Ph.D.
>>> Joint Genome Institute / Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
>>> http://www.phytozome.net
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Richard D. Hayes, Ph.D.
Joint Genome Institute / Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
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