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Efthimios MOTAKIS
Last seen 10.6 years ago
Hello all,
I have a question regarding "arrayQualityMetrics" and I could not find
relevant information at the posted Q/A.
I have a dataset of 80 U133A Affymetrix .cel files coming from an
ovarian cancer study (patients' samples). When I run
"arrayQualityMetrics" to the background corrected (RMA) and normalized
(quantiles) probe-level data (thus processing the non-summarized
AffyBatch object) I get a PCA showing two distinct groups (not a
random separation; the first 40 cells belong to one group and the
other 40 to the other). I also get 2 outliers (based on 5 out of the 6
different plots provided).
When I run "arrayQualityMetrics" to the RMA or gcRMA expression data
the two groups effects on PCA and the outliers disappear completely.
Can summarization have such a strong influence to my data? Should I
rely on the .cel files or the expression results for my analysis
Thank you,