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Salwa Eid
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Dear all, Have read dna microarray cel files and normalized the
data and then tried to use the random forest classifier but i keep
getting the error "cannot allocate vector of 1.8G". I had a 3gb ram
and upgraded it to 8gb and am still getting the same error exactly.
In the first case got a warning that it reached total allocation of
3gb and the second case got the warning, reached total allocation of
8gb. The code I used for random forest is test<-randomForest(Type~.,
data=tdata) The tdata is 22215 genes for four samples and the type of
each sample(2 classes). Prediction here is done for the type. The
tdata is a matrix of 22216 columns which consists of 22215 genes and
the type and there are 4 rows for four samples. Two types. Any help?
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