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David A.
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Hi list,
sorry for a simple question, but I am a newbie a bit lost reading all
the information on how to handle NGS data using R tools. I have a set
of BAM files from Junior sequencer, one BAM per amplicon per sample
(Roche's software does not output one single BAM file per sample
including all amplicons). I also have a bed file with the features
sequenced. At the moment I am only testing with two amplicons for one
sample. My final aim is to get the coverage per amplicon per sample
I am using R version 2.14.2 (2012-02-29)
I read in the bed file and tried to create a GRanges object:
> bed.frame=read.table("bed.frame",sep="\t",as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
> bed.frame
chromosome start end
1 APOBex26_M13 1 478
2 APOBex29_M13 1 448
> gr<-GRanges(seqnames=bed.frame[,1],ranges=IRanges(bed.frame[,2],end=
> gr
GRanges with 2 ranges and 0 elementMetadata values:
seqnames ranges strand
<rle> <iranges> <rle>
[1] APOBex26_M13 [1, 478] *
[2] APOBex29_M13 [1, 448] *
APOBex26_M13 APOBex29_M13
I also read in the list of BAM files vand convert to BamFileList:
> fls = list.files(pattern="*bam",full=TRUE)
> fls
[1] "./Sample_Mult_1_MID-151_vs_APOBex26_M13.bam"
[2] "./Sample_Mult_1_MID-151_vs_APOBex29_M13.bam"
bfs <- BamFileList(fls)
I then try to summarizeOverlaps but gives me the following error.
>olap <-summarizeOverlaps(gr, bfs)
Error in .Call2("cigar_to_width", cigar, PACKAGE = "GenomicRanges") :
in 'cigar' element 1: CIGAR operation 'P' (at char 7) is not
supported yet, sorry!
What is the meaning of this error and how can I overcome it?
Is the gr object not created properly? Is Metadata necessary? Why is
not seqlengths filled automatically using the IRanges?
Thanks for your help,
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