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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 18 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Dear Daniel
thank you for the suggestion. This is now possible with
arrayQualityMetrics version >= 3.13.2, by setting the parameter
'maxNumArrays' to '+Inf'. See the manual page of 'aqm.maplot' and
'aqm.spatial for details.
In addition, also all the other parameters of the report module
are now exposed and can be modified in a call to arrayQualityMetrics.
As usual, it will take a few days for this version to percolate to the
devel branch in the repository (but it is already in svn).
Let me know your experience with it or if you have further
Best wishes
Mar/28/12 9:57 PM, Daniel Aaen Hansen scripsit::
> Dear Wolfgang,
> The plots are definitely more useful now. Thanks.
> Regarding implementing an option for plotting all MA-plots and
> plots, I would suggest a user option 'plot.all' which are false by
> default to mimic the current behavior. Then in the functions
> 'aqm.maplot' and 'spatialplot', I suggest adding:
> if (plot.all) {
> whj = order(stat, decreasing = TRUE)
> lay = c(4, ceiling(x$numArrays/4))
> legOrder = ""
> }
> else if (x$numArrays <= 8) {
> ... (default behavior)
> Thus, if plot.all is set to true, all arrays are plottet and if not,
> will behave as it does now. I still think it's useful to order plots
> the statistic and I also changed the layout to always be 4 columns.
> is only relevant to the MA-plots and spatial plots since for the
> plots, all arrays are already included in the plots.
> Best,
> Daniel
> On Mar 15, 2012, at 11:17 PM, Wolfgang Huber wrote:
>> Dear Daniel
>> thank you for pointing out this problem. In version 3.11.4, the
>> for the red and green channels were computed by exponentiating
>> 2) the values R = A+M/2 and G = A-M/2. From version, 3.11.5 (in
>> subversion, should be on the web in a few days), no exponentiating
>> done. I hope you will find that behaviour more pleasing.
>> If questions persist, please send me your example dataset and
>> More below.
>> Mar/9/12 12:33 PM, Daniel Aaen Hansen scripsit::
>>> Dear Wolfgang,
>>> I just tested arrayQualityMetrics 3.11.4 on 'MAList' objects and
>>> is working for me (it generates a report). However, I am not sure
>>> understand what is going on. From the box plot and density plot it
>>> looks like it is using data that are not log transformed as some
>>> expression values are very large. Surprisingly, it makes no
>>> difference whether I set 'do.logtransform=FALSE' or
>>> 'do.logtransform=TRUE'. The plots are identical and looks as if
>>> are made on non-log-transformed data.
>>> I also tried to convert the data manually, as you suggested:
>>> as(MA, 'ExpressionSet'). However, this yielded expression values
>>> -9 to 13 and did not work:
>> Yes, this creates an ExpressionSet from the M values only. The
>> range you quote seems consistent with that. However, doing that
>> conversion is much inferior to the current functionality for MAList
>> arrayQualityMetrics, so please ignore that previous suggestion.
>>>> min(exprs(eset))
>>> [1] -9.230704
>>>> max(exprs(eset))
>>> [1] 13.12851
>>> Another question: is there a way to make arrayQualityMetrics
>>> MA-plots and spatial plots for all arrays and not just a subset? I
>>> think that would be a nice feature, but I could not find it. For
>>> example, it would make it easier to compare MA-plots before and
>>> normalization. As it is now, it may plot MA-plots for different
>>> arrays before and after normalization.
>> Currently, it is not that easy, but of course, this being R and
>> source, it is possible. You need to create your own version of the
>> function 'aqm.maplot', and e.g. replace the line
>> if (x$numArrays <= 8) {
>> by
>> if (TRUE) {
>> Then you also need to make sure that the function
>> 'arrayQualityMetrics' finds your version of 'aqm.maplot'. This is
>> either by putting the latter back into the namespace of the package
>> 'arrayQualityMetrics', or by also creating your own version of the
>> function 'arrayQualityMetrics' (which is quite short and simple, it
>> just successively calls the functions creating the various report
>> See also the vignette "Advanced topics: Customizing
>> arrayQualityMetrics reports and programmatic processing of the
>> If someone comes up with a user-interface that allows exposing this
>> (and similar) options to the user at the level of the
>> 'arrayQualityMetrics' function without creating a plethora of
>> parameter options, I will implement it in the package.
>> (The 'philosophy' of the package is to produce a reasonable report
>> almost everyone with default settings; whereas customisations can
>> obtained through using the flexibility of the R language, and a
>> modular design of the package functionality - rather than banging
>> lots and lots of parameters and options into a monolithic
>> Best wishes
>> Wolfgang
>> Wolfgang Huber
>> http://www.embl.de/research/units/genome_biology/huber
Best wishes
Wolfgang Huber