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Hello Aedin,
I noticed that the default colours the overview function of the made4
package is using is the 21 colour palette of getcol. However, I was
wondering whether this can be changed to custom colours? I have tried
to include arraycol or cols into the overview function, but I always
get the "unused arguments" error message. I am sorry if this is a
stupid question, I am still very new to R and it might just be a
typing error on my side. Could you please give me an example command
Thanks very much in advance for your help, it is much appreciated.
Best regards,
Anja Rockstroh | Research Fellow | Australian Prostate Cancer Research
Centre - Queensland | Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation |
Queensland University of Technology / QUT | Office: Level 1 Building
33 | Lab: Level 2 R-wing |Princess Alexandra Hospital | 199 Ipswich Rd
| Brisbane QLD 4102 Australia | Lab phone: 07 3176 5491 | Office
phone: 07 3176 3074 | fax: 07 3176 7440 | email:
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