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Juan Fernández Tajes
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Dear List,
I´m working with expression data obtained from Affymetrix HuGene 1.0
st array. I´m interested in knowing how many genes are expressed in
chromosome 16. Surprisingly, all the genes included (808) in the array
and mapped to chromosome have expression values (from 2.01 to 12.4),
can I conclude that all these genes are expressed in this tissue?
Many thanks in advance
Here is my code:
geneCELs.N <- list.celfiles(getwd(), full.names=T)
affyGeneFS.N <- read.celfiles(geneCELs.N)
myAB.N <- affyGeneFS.N
sampleNames(myAB.N) <- sub("\\.CEL$", "", sampleNames(myAB.N))
sampleNames(myAB.N) <- sub("\\.CEL$", "", sampleNames(myAB.N))
metadata_array.N <- read.delim(file="metadata.txt", header=T,
rownames(metadata_array.N) <- metadata_array.N$Sample_ID
phenoData(myAB.N) <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=metadata_array.N)
myAB.N_rma <- rma(myAB.N, target="core")
annotation(myAB.N_rma) <- "hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db"
ppc <- function(x) paste("^", x, sep="")
myFindMap <- function(mapEnv, which){
myg <- ppc(which)
a1 = eapply(mapEnv, function(x)
grep(myg, x, value=T))
chr16.N <- myFindMap(hugene10sttranscriptclusterCHR, 16)
chr16.N <- as.data.frame(chr16.N)
chr16.N$probes <- rownames(chr16.N)
probes.chr16.N <- chr16.N$probes
sel.N <- match(probes.chr16.N, featureNames(myAB.N_rma), nomatch=0)
es2_chr16.N <- myAB.N_rma[sel.N,]
data.exprs.N <- as.data.frame(exprs(es2_chr16.N))
g.N <- featureNames(es2_chr16.N)
linked.N <- links(hugene10sttranscriptclusterSYMBOL)
data.exprs.N.symbol <- merge(data.exprs.N, linked.N, by.x="row.names",
row.names(data.exprs.N.symbol) <- data.exprs.N.symbol[[1]]
data.exprs.N.symbol <- data.exprs.N.symbol[, -1]
data.exprs.N.symbol$Mean.Exprs <- rowMeans(data.exprs.N.symbol[,
Juan Fernandez Tajes, ph. D
Departamento de BiologÃa Celular y Molecular
Facultad de Ciencias-Universidade da Coruña
Tlf. +34 981 167000 ext 2030
e-mail: jfernandezt@udc.es
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