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Last seen 10.6 years ago
Just following my own advice here.
On 11/19/12 9:22 AM, "Fletez-Brant, Christopher (NIH/VRC) [C]"
<christopher.fletez-brant at="" nih.gov=""> wrote:
>Hi Jens,
>Sorry for taking so long to get back to you - I was out of town. A
>of things:
>1) Please always use 'reply to all', as we use the Bioconductor
>list as a kind of knowledge repository for others.
>2) Fluidigm numbering and well number aligns in multiples of 12.
That is,
>Well01 = A01, Well13 = B01 etc.
>3) For calculating sample means, I have been doing that manually and
>creating a new qPCRset. Manual calculation has involved removing
>ID information from sample Ids (I.e. The row named
>becomes "BJ_fibroblast"), taking sample specific subsets and
>gene means for each of them. That looks something like this:
>samples <- gsub("BJ_fibroblast|RiPSC.HUF1", "\1",
> #remove sample-specific ID components
>myqPCRset.names <- unique(samples) #get unique sample names;
>to getting the number of sample types
>inds <- lapply(myqPCRset.names, grep, x=sampleNames(myqPCRset))
>into groups
>groups.myqPCRset <- lapply(inds, function(i) exprs(myqPCRset)[,i])
>myqPCRset.means <- matrix(ncol=length(groups.myqPCRset[[1]]),
>nrow=length(groups.myqPCRset)) #data structure to save means in
>for (i in 1:length(groups.myqPCRset)){
> if (length(inds[[i]]) > 1){ #only calculate the mean if
>more than one in the group
> myqPCRset.means[i,] <- apply(groups.myqPCRset[[i]], 1, mean)
> }
> else {
> myqPCRset.means[i,] <- groups.myqPCRset[[i]]
> }
>I hope this is sufficient to get you started. Feel free to ask more
>questions as needed.
>From: Jens Durruthy-Durruthy [jensdd at stanford.edu]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:03 PM
>To: Fletez-Brant, Christopher (NIH/VRC) [C]
>Subject: Re: [BioC] Using HTqPCR for Fluidigm BioMark input data
>Hi Kipper,
>Thanks for your email and your help! I really appreciate it. I think
>have a fundamental problem in understanding how the data in my
>.csv file are read into the qPCRset. I do see that all the features
>recognized in the right order.
>> featureNames(raw)
> [1] "HSP90AB1" "CD13" "COL1A1" "PDGF3B" "CD90" "VIM"
> [7] "BUB1" "CCNF" "CDC20" "CDKN1A" "LATS2" "MAD2L1"
>[13] "RBL1" "BPTF" "CBX7" "DNMT1" "EED" "GLP"
>[19] "G9A" "P300" "EZH2" "INO80C" "JARID2" "KDM3B"
>[25] "MBD3" "MCRS1" "MLL2" "RING1B" "BRG1" "SNF2H"
>[31] "HP1" "TAF1" "TET1" "THAP11" "WDR5" "PRMT5"
>[37] "CDH1" "CDKN2A" "GRB2" "LEFTY1" "LEFTY2" "LMNB1"
>[43] "MAPK1" "MAPK3" "P53" "WNT1" "PIK3CG"
>But when I type in
>> sampleNames(raw)
> [1] "Sample1" "Sample2" "Sample3" "Sample4" "Sample5" "Sample6"
> [7] "Sample7" "Sample8" "Sample9" "Sample10" "Sample11"
>[13] "Sample13" "Sample14" "Sample15" "Sample16" "Sample17"
>[19] "Sample19" "Sample20" "Sample21" "Sample22" "Sample23"
>[25] "Sample25" "Sample26" "Sample27" "Sample28" "Sample29"
>[31] "Sample31" "Sample32" "Sample33" "Sample34" "Sample35"
>I don?t know if Sample1 corresponds to inlet one of my Fluidigm chip.
>Also, I loaded three different samples onto the chip with each sample
>loaded in 6 biological replicates and 2 technical replicates. So the
>12 inlets are one sample (BJ fibroblasts), inlets 13-24 are the
>sample RiPSC.BJ) and inlets 25-36 are the third sample (RiPSC.HUF1).
>does HTqPCR know that I want the technical (and later biological)
>replicates to be combined so that I end up having three samples with
>being represented by 6 biological replicates?
>From what and how I ask you may notice that I'm really just at the
>beginning of understanding R, HTqPCR and the coding language. Sorry
>bugging you about this but I'd appreciate any help.
>Thanks much!
>PS: I attached the .csv file Fluidigm gave me. There are two ways to
>export the data. One HeatMap format and one Table format. I attached
>On 11/13/12 5:42 AM, "Fletez-Brant, Christopher (IH/VRC) [C]"
><christopher.fletez-brant at="" nih.gov=""> wrote:
>>If your qPCRset recognizes that there are 47 features and 3 samples,
>>you should be able to perform downstream analyses. If you are
>>trouble modifying sample names, I have been storing sample names in
>>file, ordered as the actual samples are in the Fluidigm output file,
>>assigning sample names. That is, something like:
>>Temp <- read.csv("sample.names.csv")
>>sampleNames(raw) <- Temp
>>On 11/11/12 3:27 AM, "Jens Durruthy-Durruthy" <jensdd at="" stanford.edu="">
>>>Hi all,
>>>I'm fairly new to the HTqPCR package and to R.
>>>I wanted to analyze my Ct values that I get from the BioMark output
>>>of a .cvs file. I managed to read my file in with:
>>>> raw<-readCtData(files="test2.csv",format="BioMark",n.features=47,
>>>+ n.data=3,samples=samples)
>>>Warning message:
>>>In readCtData(files = "test2.csv", format = "BioMark", n.features =
>>> Not enough sample names provided; using Sample1, Sample2, ?
>>>> show(raw)
>>>An object of class "qPCRset"
>>>Size: 47 features, 3 samples
>>>Feature types:
>>>Feature names: HSP90AB1 CD13 COL1A1 ...
>>>Feature classes:
>>>Feature categories: OK
>>>Sample names: Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 ...
>>>I ran 3 samples (three different cell types), each in 6 biological
and 2
>>>technical replicates (12 total) but I don't know how to modify or
>>>qPCRset object in order to visualize them or perform downstream
>>>(PCA, clustering etc.). I read through the PDF "HTqPCR -
>>>qPCR analysis in R and Bioconductor" by Heidi Dvinge but couldn't
>>>answer to my specific problem (mainly because I'm fairly new to the
>>>R I think).
>>>If anyone could help out I would greatly appreciate it. Let me know
if I
>>>need to provide additional information about the input .cvs file)
>>>:: Jens Durruthy-Durruthy ::
>>>:: Research Scholar ::
>>>:: Reijo Pera Lab ::
>>>:: Stanford University School of Medicine ::
>>>:: Institute for Stem Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine ::
>>>:: Lorry Lokey Stem Cell Research Building ::
>>>:: 265 Campus Drive, Rm 3015 ::
>>>:: Stanford, CA 94305 ? United States ::
>>>:: Mail: durruthy at stanford.edu ::
>>>:: Phone: +1-650-498-7303 ::
>>>:: Fax: 650-725-6910 ::
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