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The conference schedule continues to mature, with a nearly complete
line-up of
scientific talks and workshops. The early registration deadline is
July 1;
neighboring hotels are filling up quickly.
Please distribute the attached poster to interested colleagues!
Morning Scientific Presentations
Olivier Elemento Cancer as a Darwinian process: insights from next-
sequencing ? Levi Waldron Meta-analysis for prognostic and predictive
signatures of late-stage ovarian cancer ? Fabian Gruber Extensive
variation in
chromatin states across human individuals and populations ? Josh Akey
Tales of
human history from 6,500 exome sequences ? Kasper Hansen A genome-wide
look at
DNA methylation ? New this year, short presentations from the
community: Gregoire Pau; Laurent Gatto; Rory Stark; Matthew McCall;
Tim Triche.
Afternoon Bioconductor Software Workshops
R / Bioconductor for everyone ? Analysis of RNA-Seq differential gene
and exon use with the DESeq2 and DEXSeq ? From reads to genes in less
than 10 R
commands? Efficient manipulation of high-throughput sequence data in
Bioconductor ? ReportingTools: an automated result processing toolkit
for high
throughput genomic analyses ? Interactive visualization in
Bioconductor using
Epivizr ? Reproducible research using RStudio, knitr and git ?
Developing apps
with BaseSpaceR ? Variant Calling with Bioconductor ? Variant-
factor-phenotype networks ? Discovering gene regulatory mutations ?
minfi and
shinyMethyl: winning packages for methylation analysis ? A
Bioconductor pipeline
for ChIP-Seq experiments ? Differential analysis of ChIP-seq data ?
Cheminformatics of drug-like small molecule data ? Accessing public
repositories with Bioconductor ? Annotations in Bioconductor ?
RGalaxy /
See you in Seattle!
Dr. Martin Morgan, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
1100 Fairview Ave. N.
PO Box 19024 Seattle, WA 98109
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