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deepika lakhwani
Last seen 10.5 years ago
yes Gregory..
On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:36 PM, gregory voisin <voisingreg@yahoo.fr>
> Hi if I understand well: you have 1 cel for the control and 1 cel
for the
> experiment.
> You have no replication?
> ------------------------------
> *De :* deepika lakhwani <lakhwanideepika@gmail.com>
> *À :* bioconductor@r-project.org
> *Envoyé le :* Mardi 1 octobre 2013 19h27
> *Objet :* [BioC] Fwd: Regarding miRNA analysis
> hello...
> Can anyone clear one more thing about the miRNA analysis. As I
> earlier I have two miRNA cel files(rice) for one is control and
other one
> is experiment . when I did analysis for differential miRNA using
> package. I got total 20707 mirna with significant and non
significant P
> value.
> In this analysis, how can we identify that out of 20707 miRNA, which
> is hybridize properly.
> thanks
> regards
> deepika
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: deepika lakhwani <lakhwanideepika@gmail.com>
> Date: Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:12 AM
> Subject: Regarding miRNA analysis
> To: bioconductor@r-project.org
> hello..
> I have miRNA hybridized CEL files for control and experiment. now i
want to
> find out differential miRNA and also want to identify that how many
> are hybridized. I do not know which package and method was used for
> analysis.
> I did Microarray analysis of RNA cel files and for that i used
> package and RMA method. but for the differential miRNA analysis same
> package can we used? If yes then i did the analysis and i got 20707
> with M and P values. Now i did not get that how many miRNAs are
> I am so confused so Can any one help me in the field of micro array
> analysis?
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