hello Amanda,
That is a script of a function ,( sorry but not comment in this
function) . Maybe you find something interesting. let me know
produce.differential.analysis <- function(RGobj, ANNOTATION){
print(paste("Starting the UNIVARIATE differential analysis for
Agilent platform"))
design = read.csv2("DATA/design.txt", sep="\t", header = TRUE)
for (d in 2:ncol(design)){
#gestion Folder
name_folder = colnames(design)[d]#nom de l'analyse
print("Process for the design ")
print("filtering of data")
condition1 =as.vector(na.omit((design[design[d] == 0,1])))
condition2 =as.vector(na.omit((design[design[d] == 1,1])))
label_condition1 =unique(condition1)
label_condition2 =unique(condition2)
current.sumFlag.label_condition1 =
apply(RGobj$Rb[,RGobj$target$Condition == label_condition1], 1, sum)
current.sumFlag.label_condition2 =
apply(RGobj$Rb[,RGobj$target$Condition == label_condition2], 1, sum)
#retain only the probes with flag significatif in more 50 pc
of samples
mask_row = current.sumFlag.label_condition1 >
length(as.vector(na.omit((design[design[d] == 0,1])))) /2 &
current.sumFlag.label_condition2 >
length(as.vector(na.omit((design[design[d] == 0,2])))) /2
mask_col = c(grep(label_condition1,RGobj$targets$Condition),
E <- new("MAList", list(targets=RGobj$targets[mask_col,],
genes=RGobj$genes[mask_row,], source=RGobj$source,
M=RGobj$Gb[mask_row,mask_col], A=RGobj$G[mask_row,mask_col]))
E.avg <- avereps(E, ID=E$genes$ProbeName)
#creation folder analysis
if (!file.exists(paste("RESULT/",name_folder, sep = ""))){
dir.create(paste("RESULT/",name_folder, sep = ""), showWarnings =
TRUE, recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")}
paste("RESULT/",name_folder,"/mappage_Condition_NomFichier.csv", sep =
"") , quote = TRUE, sep = ";", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
design_limma= cbind(est_condition1 =rep(1, length(condition1)
+ length(condition2)) ,
est_condition2 =c(rep(0,
length(condition1)), rep(1, length(condition2))) )
fit = lmFit(E.avg$A, design_limma)
fit2= eBayes(fit)
rs_table = topTable(fit2, coef= 2, adjust= "BH", number
matrice = cbind(ID = rownames(E.avg), E.avg$A)
rs_table_exp = merge(rs_table, matrice, by.x = "ID", by.y =
rs_table_exp_annotated = merge(rs_table_exp, ANNOTATION,
by.x = "ID", by.y = "ProbeID")
paste("RESULT/",name_folder,"/rs_differential_analysis.csv", sep = "")
, quote = TRUE, sep = ";", eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".",
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
paste("RESULT/",name_folder, sep = "") )
Le Jeudi 7 novembre 2013 18h58, "amandafassis@usp.br"
<amandafassis@usp.br> a écrit :
Dear mail list members,
I'm working with Agilent single color arrays (4 x 44K) wich data were
extracted by Feature Extraction software; this software provides some
flags measurements in the file.
In limma manual the authors showed an example with Agilent single
color arrays: Time Course E ects of Corn Oil on Rat Thymus with
Agilent 4x44K Arrays - but in this they filtered out control probes
and low expressed probes.
I couldn't find in the manual if limma takes the flag measurement
parameters to process data. If not, does anyone have an example of a
function do to that?
Best regards,
Amanda Freire de Assis, MSc
Molecular Immunogenetics Group
University of São Paulo
Av. Bandeirantes, 3900
14049-900 - Ribeirão Preto - Brazil
+55 16 36023246
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