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Wolfgang Huber
Last seen 16 days ago
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laborat…
Dear Steven
I am glad to report that due to a contribution by Andrzej Oles, the
interactive plots in the reports are now more reliably so.
Please use a version >= 3.19.2, currently these are in the
developement branch.
Kind regards, and thanks again for reporting
On 11 Oct 2013, at 14:34, Wolfgang Huber <whuber at="" embl.de=""> wrote:
> Dear Steven
> thank you, yes, this information is equivalent.
> (You could make the 'pkg-config' command available to yourself by
running 'port install pkgconfig'.)
> We'll keep you updated if or when we have found a solution. Till
then, you'll have to bear the plots without tooltips.
> Best wishes
> Wolfgang
> Il giorno Oct 10, 2013, alle ore 5:52 pm, "Cowman, Steven A"
<s.cowman12 at="" imperial.ac.uk=""> ha scritto:
>> Dear Wolfgang,
>> Thanks for your reply and explanation.
>> Typing "pkg-config --modversion cairo libxml-2.0 libxslt" into the
terminal give the message "command not found".
>> I used Macports to install these libraries, so using the command
"port installed" I found these version numbers:
>> libxml2 @2.9.1_0 (active)
>> libxslt @1.1.28_0 (active)
>> cairo @1.12.16_0+x11 (active)
>> I don't know whether or not this give the information you were
looking for.
>> Thanks and best wishes,
>> Steve
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