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Larry La Pointe
Last seen 10.4 years ago
Thanks, Laurent. This explains my error.
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurent Gautier [mailto:lgautier@altern.org]
Sent: Fri 9/17/2004 5:43 AM
To: Lapointe, Larry (MOLSCI, North Ryde)
Cc: 'bioconductor@stat.math.ethz.ch'
Subject: Re: [BioC] Creating a substet of probe intensities
from AffyBatch object
Larry La Pointe wrote:
> Howdy,
> I am trying to create a subset of probe intensities from an
> object. As a new user to the affy package (and Bioconductor, in
> general) I was pleased to find an article presenting the package by
> Gautier et al. in Bioinformatics (2004) 20:307-315. I was
> pleased to find the R code in Fig 4. which seems to do exactly what
> like:
> ## celdata is an AffyBatch of 75 arrays...
> controls.gni<-grep("AFFX.+", geneNames(celdata))
> controls.names<-geneNames(celdata)[controls.gni]
> controls.indices<- indexProbes(celdata, which="pm", controls.names)
> ## so far so good....but:
arg.... there is a 'but'...
> controls.intensities<-intensity(celdata)[controls.indices, ]
> gives:
> Error: invalid subscript ## ????
> Am I missing something obvious?
Since they the time the paper was written, the API of the package
changed slightly...
controls.indices <- unlist(control.indices)
right after the line
controls.indices<- indexProbes(celdata, which="pm", controls.names)
> BTW: Inspection of control.intensities show that this is a list
> By unlisting, such as:
> x<-unlist(controls.indices)
Yes (see above)
> I can recover the data but they are in a (rather nasty) vector.
"recover" ?? "nasty" ??? what do yo mean ?
Guess I thought the original looked more "elegant" ;)
> thanks in advance,
> LL