I plan to use your DESeq2 package for differential expression analysis between two conditions and I'm wondering which transcriptome/s (consensus or singles) should I use as reference. I don't have a genome for my specie.
Some people suggest generate a single assembly based on combining all reads across all samples as inputs and then align the reads separately back to the single ("consensus") assembly for downstream analysis of differential expression.
The other option simply consists on aligning the reads of each sample with its corresponding assembly. I do not know to what extent the heterogeneity of individual assemblies (distinct number of genes and isoforms, differences on transcripts lengths, etc) can affect the analysis of differential gene expression.
Which would be the best option?
One last question, many people use RSEM to obtain the expected count (for non-model species) in spite that DESeq use raw count. Do you think, for example, that the Corset (http://genomebiology.com/2014/15/7/410) approach would be better?
Thanks in advance,