I'm looking for good Book in machine learning using R.In addition, I am also looking for good book in advanced R programming and development. Any ideas??
Thank you in advance.
I'm looking for good Book in machine learning using R.In addition, I am also looking for good book in advanced R programming and development. Any ideas??
Thank you in advance.
Max Kuhn is the author of the caret package and recently co-authored Applied Predictive Modeling, which (from what I understand) has been received rather well. It also has 5/5 stars on amazon.com's reviews for the book from 31 customer reviews, so ... not bad.
From the reviews and book description, it would be a good companion to the Elements of Statistical Learning (ESL), which Valerie mentions.
Max's book is more applied and ESL is more math oriented.
Let's not also forget the new Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISL), which is by some of the same authors of ESL, but is targeted to be more introductory.
Note that ESL and ISL have free (full) PDF downloads of the book, so ... definitely get those.
The book covers machine learning in general:
The Element of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Inference and Predication
by Hastie, Tibshirani and Friedman
For machine learning on big data look at module 18, High Dimensional Omics Data:
For advanced R programming tips there will be pieces in the books on this page:
but I would suggest the more recent course materials here where you can focus on your own area of research:
Search the course materials by topic then look at the title, some are intro, some advanced.
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On advanced R programming a good reference is http://adv-r.had.co.nz/, remembering that in Bioconductor S4 classes are the usual object system. For C(++)-level coding I think the Rcpp approach is great. Non-standard evaluation is Hadley's forte, but I wouldn't recommend it for most problems.