Hi All,
I can not publish the report for only a "subset" of genes in DESeqDataSet, while the original DeseqtDataSet can be published without any problem. I can not figure why this happens.
For example:
library(DESeq2) library(ReportingTools) data(mockRnaSeqData) conditions <- c(rep("case",3), rep("control", 3)) mockRna.dse <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = mockRnaSeqData, colData = as.data.frame(conditions), design = ~ conditions) colData(mockRna.dse)$conditions <- factor(colData(mockRna.dse)$conditions, levels=c("control", "case")) ## Generate DESeqDataSet object mockRna.dse <- DESeq(mockRna.dse) ## Now the results can be published... library("org.Mm.eg.db") report1 <- HTMLReport(shortName = 'Report1.html', title = 'RNA-seq analysis', reportDirectory = "./reports") publish(mockRna.dse,report1, pvalueCutoff=0.05, annotation.db="org.Mm.eg.db", factor=colData(mockRna.dse)$conditions, reportDir="./reports") finish(report1)
This will generate "report1" successfully. But if I add:
temp <- mockRna.dse[1:100,] # a subset of the original DeSeq dataset library("org.Mm.eg.db") report2 <- HTMLReport(shortName = 'Report2.html', title = 'RNA-seq analysis', reportDirectory = "./reports") publish(temp,report2, pvalueCutoff=0.10, annotation.db="org.Mm.eg.db", factor = colData(temp)$conditions, reportDir="./reports") finish(report2)
I receive the error that:
"Error: Ids do not appear to be Entrez Ids for the specified species."
I do not understand why, as these are the same Entrez IDs as in the first report!!
I greatly appreciate your help.
Thank You,
Thanks Jamess! Above, I had increased the p-value cutoff for the "temp" subset to 0.1 just in case that was the cause. It seems even 0.1 was not large enough and when I increased it to 1, in fact it published the results successfully. As you said what was confusing me was the "error msg".