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dear all!
I was wondering if there is somewhere a function already implemented to create a boxplot
on an Rle
object. In the end it shouldn't be that difficult given that there are all required tools (quantile
function etc) implemented for Rle
cheers, jo
actually, as said, it's pretty simple since all the stuff is already implemented for
:## that's like the boxplot.stats function... just for Rle...
rleboxplot.stats <- function( x, coef=1.5, do.conf=TRUE, do.out=FALSE ){
quants <- quantile( x, probs=c( 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ) )
iqr <- quants[ 3 ] - quants[ 1 ]
if( coef > 0 ){
Ranges <- range( x[ x <= ( quants[ 3 ] + coef * iqr ) & x >= ( quants[ 1 ] - coef * iqr ) ] )
Ranges <- range( x )
n <- length( x )
conf <- if( do.conf )
quants[ 2 ] + c( -1.58, 1.58 ) * iqr/sqrt( n )
Vals <- list( stats=c( Ranges[ 1 ], quants, Ranges[ 2 ] ),
n=n, conf=conf, out=numeric() )
return( Vals )
## primitive boxplot function; works with Rle's and also numeric vectors.
rleboxplot <- function( x, range=1.5, ... ){
## have to make a matrix of stats...
Vals <- rleboxplot.stats( x, coef=range )
stats <- matrix( 0, nrow=5L, ncol=1 )
conf <- matrix( 0, nrow=2L, ncol=1 )
stats[ , 1 ] <- Vals$stats
conf[ , 1 ] <- Vals$conf
z <- list( stats=stats,
names=NA )
bxp( z=z, ... )
## define a method boxplot for the Rle
setMethod( "boxplot", "Rle", function( x, range=1.5, ... ){
rleboxplot( x, range=range, ... )
} )
Hi Johannes,
Thanks for the suggestion and for providing the code. I will look at how to best integrate this in the S4Vectors package.