I am trying to understand exactly what DESeq2's resultsNames
outputs. The documentation says:
resultsNames returns the names of the estimated effects (coefficents) of the model
For a simple example, it makes sense to me:
design(dds) <- ~ group > resultsNames(dds) [1] "Intercept" "groupX" "groupY"
For something more complicated, I am confused:
design(dds) <- ~ group + condition + group:condition > resultsNames(dds) [1] "Intercept" "group_Y_vs_X" "condition_B_vs_A" "groupY.conditionB"
I am not clear how both outputs are compatible with each other. I understand they should not be identical, but they seem to be very different to me. Is there a different way of phrasing it?
I don't know if this should be a separate question, but is there a way to flip the terms when there are only two levels? For example, from "groupY.conditionB" to "groupY.conditionA".
we describe how to do this in the vignette and in the workflow, search either of these for "relevel"
For some reason, I didn't expect that to work with interaction terms. Clearly, I was wrong.