How do I access the SNPs (say rs ids to coordinates) from this GRCH37 archive http://grch37.ensembl.org archive.
useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice", dataset="?????")
>snp_mart = useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice", dataset="SNP")
Error in useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = dataset, verbose = verbose) :
The given dataset: SNP , is not valid. Correct dataset names can be obtained with the listDatasets function.
Calls: useMart -> useDataset
> snp_mart = useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice", dataset="hsapiens_snp_ensembl")
Error in useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = dataset, verbose = verbose) :
The given dataset: hsapiens_snp_ensembl , is not valid. Correct dataset names can be obtained with the listDatasets function.
Calls: useMart -> useDataset
> listDatasets(useMart(biomart="ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host="grch37.ensembl.org", path="/biomart/martservice"))
dataset description
31 hsapiens_gene_ensembl Homo sapiens genes (GRCh37.p13)
31 GRCh37.p13
There is no SNP dataset either