Dear Bioconductor Community,
i tried the function heatmap.2 to produce a heatmap plot of 129 DE probesets based on an analysis on an affymetrix microarray dataset between cancer vs control samples. My final arguments for my function are:
heatmap.2(exprs(esetsel), col=greenred(75), scale="none", ColSideColors=patientcolors,
key=TRUE, symkey=FALSE,"none", trace="none", cexRow=0.9, cexCol=0.8, margins=c(8,16))
# esetsel my expressionset with the selected probesets.
My main problem is that the rownames(probesets) arent shown clearly, and although i tried to change the argument cexRow nothing is improved. Any ideas how to impove the visualization of these probesets in the heatmap plot and change the size of the rows ?
It is not completely clear what you mean by not shown clear. Can you be more specific? Are they too long to fit within the margins?
You might wan to play around with "offsetRow" and with the margins a little, if that's the problem?
Good luck.