I am trying to read in and normalise together hgu133a and ht-hgu133a CEL files from 2 different sources. However, I get the following error message:
> pathA<- "/raid/san/home_shared/parisa/Affy_2015/Batch1_Affy"
> datA<-ReadAffy(celfile.path=pathA)
Error in affyio::read_abatch(filenames, rm.mask, rm.outliers, rm.extra, :
Cel file /raid/san/home_shared/parisa/Affy_2015/5500024030401071707289.A03.CEL does not seem to have the correct dimensions
(The next step would then be rma normalisation: RMA1<-rma(datA))
An online search mentions that Affy would probably peg the CDF geometry off of the first CEL it happens to read, and checking the format of my files from the 2 different sources, they are different.
It is worth noting that the files I am having an issue with I had no problem reading in and RMA normalising on their own before - it is just now they are being combined. It is also worth noting, that there are ~21 extra probes for the ht-hgu133a files.
However, it’s not just a simple case of removing a few files, the files R is complaining about make up a large portion of my data set and should be included. The files should also be normalised together as they comprise a manually curated batch that would be skewed if the 2 files types were normalised separately.
I have provided 2 CEL files from each of the 2 different sources in the folder below:
I would appreciate suggestions on how to resolve this.
Thank you,