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Kimpel, Mark W
Last seen 10.6 years ago
I would appreciate advice on how to construct a contrast matrix for a
5X2 ANOVA design. Briefly, I have a genomic experiment to analyze that
compares 5 brain regions in 2 strains of rats. We are interested in
discovering overall differences between strains (collapsing all brain
regions together) but also discovering differences that may only be
expressed in one brain region.
I have attempted to construct the appropriate matrix with the code
listed below, but it does not work. I seem to get differences between
strains, but all the brain region contrasts give exactly the same
results, so I know something isn't correct.
contrast <-makeContrasts(
(NPAccumbens + NPAmygdala + NPHippocampus +
+ NPStriatum) - #all regions of strain "NP"
(PAccumbens + PAmygdala + PHippocampus + PPrefrontal_Cortex +
PStriatum) #all regions of strain "P"
(NPAccumbens - PAccumbens),
#accumbens region of both strains
(NPAmygdala - PAmygdala),
#amygdala region of both strains
(NPHippocampus - PHippocampus),
#hippocampus region of both strains
(NPPrefrontal_Cortex - PPrefrontal_Cortex),
#Prefrontal_Cortex region of both strains
(NPStriatum - PStriatum),
#striatum region of both strains
Mark W. Kimpel MD
(317) 490-5129 Home, Work, & Mobile
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