I find that I have various uses for a function that generates "gene model" GRanges on the basis of a symbol. Even more detailed gene model computations are performed in Gviz.
Do other users find such a function useful? Are there other aspects of model structure that should be available? Should the GenomicFeatures package include a function of this nature?
> genemodel
function (sym, genome = "hg19", annoResource = Homo.sapiens,
getter = exonsBy, byattr = "gene")
stopifnot(is.atomic(sym) && (length(sym) == 1))
if (!exists(dsa <- deparse(substitute(annoResource))))
require(dsa, character.only = TRUE)
num = select(annoResource, keys = sym, keytype = "SYMBOL",
getter(annoResource, by = byattr)[[num]]
<environment: namespace:erma>
> genemodel("CD28")
GRanges object with 6 ranges and 2 metadata columns:
seqnames ranges strand | exon_id exon_name
<Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <integer> <character>
[1] chr2 [204571198, 204571471] + | 35150 <NA>
[2] chr2 [204591356, 204591421] + | 35151 <NA>
[3] chr2 [204591356, 204591712] + | 35152 <NA>
[4] chr2 [204591674, 204591712] + | 35153 <NA>
[5] chr2 [204594371, 204594495] + | 35154 <NA>
[6] chr2 [204599507, 204603636] + | 35155 <NA>
seqinfo: 93 sequences (1 circular) from hg19 genome