Hi all,
I am doing differential gene expression of 5 different subjects, 2 treatments, 2 time points. I want to combine the response of the treatment at both time points, but controlling the subject effect. I am not interested in the effects across the subjects or to each time point.
Not sure how to do it,
Now I have:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
countData = countdata,
colData = coldata,
design = ~Time + Treatment)
dds$Treatment <- factor(dds$Treatment, levels=c("35", "25"))
dds$Treatment <- relevel (dds$Treatment, "35")
dds$Time <- factor(dds$Time)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
But I think this is not taking into account my subject ID? I looked at the contrast option but I understand this is for looking at differences within the factors.
Hi Michael,
Not sure what you mean if the subject is not confounded with treatment. I have 5 subjects, with only have one sample per subject (one subject was sequenced twice at each treatment and time (e.g. A1 and A1.1)).
Fro the factor levels means that the factor I write first is the base level? 35 in my example
> as.data.frame(colData(dds))
Subject Treatment Time
A1 1 35 1
A1.1 1 35 1
A2 2 35 1
A3 3 35 1
A4 4 35 1
A5 5 35 1
B1 1 25 1
B1.1 1 25 1
B2 2 25 1
B3 3 25 1
B4 4 25 1
B5 5 25 1
C1 1 35 24
C1.1 1 35 24
C2 2 35 24
C3 3 35 24
C4 4 35 24
C5 5 35 24
D2 2 25 24
D2.1 2 25 24
D4 4 25 24
D5 5 25 24